
First written by Martin.Daltry and 0 others, on Sun, 2002/01/13 - 5:25pm, and has been viewed by unique users

I joined the list a little while ago thanks to Mabrouk and had a memorable
trip with some of you guys to Wadi Rayan but haven't introduced myself
properly electronically, so here goes...

My name is Martin Daltry and I work at the British Council in Agouza. I
really like wandering around Egypt on urban/rural/desert, etc safaris -
sightseeing, hiking, diving, taking photographs.. experiencing all the sites
and delights of the country.

I like the idea of the photography show and hope to come wednesday with my
own siwa snaps and to join the next hike too, after all these feasts I
really need some exercise...

see you soon,


PS For some more inspiring nature photography check out
http://www.nhm.ac.uk/wildphoto and http://www.naturalvisions.co.uk/