Personal E-mail Etiquette

First written by amir and 0 others, on Sat, 2000/11/25 - 2:39pm, and has been viewed by unique users

Hi All, How's everyone and everything,
First, I wish to say happy Ramadan to you all and many many many thanx to the people who sent me all those nice happy Ramadan emails so far.
Second,I received a very nice peice on personal email etiquette that I think I should share it with you all, since I myself for one didnt' give too much care about little things that might make a difference and might affect people. I thought it might help us all to make our correspondances friendlier and to help us avoid legal exposure in some cases (sometimes receiving email addresses by accident in a chainmail or in cc list and using them in a crime like liable would make the person an accessory and it's not a very nice situation).

5 ways to improve your personal e-etiquette.

Some people are as protective of their e-mail address as they are of their home phone numbers and worry about it getting into the wrong hands. Delete all e-mail addresses before forwarding e-mail. Recipients won't have access to the addresses nor will they have to scroll before reaching the real start of the e-mail. When sending group e-mails to friends, place your own address in the To box and all other addresses in the BCC (blind carbon copy) box. This feature allows the recipients to receive the e-mail with only their own address displayed. (This is in respect to people's privacy and security from hackers and abusers)

You know your friends and family. You know what they'll appreciate and what
they won't. The same joke that would leave your college roommate in stitches
might offend your aunt or co-worker. Make forwards more personal by personalizing the list of people you send them to. Keep individual tastes and preferences in mind. Who wants to keep reading the same thing over and over anyway? keep in mind that other people will forward the same thing around too.

It is impossible to capture tone and attitude in an e-mail message the way you
can in a phone conversation. The reader could interpret an innocent comment
sent in jest as rude. Make sure that your messages are clear and avoid using sarcasm.

Most e-mails and e-mail users are sincere and mean you know harm. However, if you receive a message from someone whose name is unfamiliar to you, do not reply. It may be a salesperson or someone trying to scam you. If you receive a message warning of a new computer virus, confirm the e-mail before forwarding to friends. Ask your company's computer professionals if the virus is legitimate. Also, be wary of strange attachments. Don't open them or send to pals-they may contain the very virus you were warned about it another e-mail!

5. keep attachements to the minimum and always ask before sending anyone
huge attachemnts to their personal or work addresses: too much dowanloading
time or reluctance to accept such material (especially if it contains offensive stuff) is an infringment on peronal privacy that allows the person to report you to the abuse section of your ISP resulting in closing down your email account permanently.

Amir Marghani, Lawyer, Zaki Hashim & Partners