[no subject]987466366

First written by raniamostafa1976 and 0 others, on Sun, 2002/11/10 - 12:49pm, and has been viewed by unique users

From: raniamostafa1976@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 05:49:56 -0500 (EST)

dalia, maged, khaled and camel, thanks for your wonderful words...

here it goes :)


scribbled on the back of a wrinkled boarding pass... and continued upon landing


missing your hand, your tender touch

listening to your voice, which i love so much

your soft caress, your warm embrace

will someone ever take your place?

no more smiling while crossing the street

walking toward each other where we always meet

no more resting my head on your shoulder

no more warming my hand in yours as the weather turns colder

no more sitting in silence, just gazing ahead

dreaming of being in some other place instead

no more holding your hand as we walk

no more gazing into your eyes as we talk

no more squeezing past others in a crowded place

having you guide me, following your pace

feeling so safe, so comfortable, so secure

marvelling at this feeling, so sweet, so pure

i know you are only a phone call away

although we can still speak almost every day

it is not the same as having you near

i miss you already... how i miss you my dear

as all good things eventually come to an end,

my dearest (_) we must part as friends

yet can we be friends? after all that's been said

i can't believe how far we've come

from complete strangers to... to what?

sweet memories, words, images flood my head

i reach out for your hand as i lie in my bed

i close my eyes yet i cannot sleep

once again i let myself get in too deep

i wipe at a lonesome tear rolling down my cheek

and wonder where you are, are you thinking of... us?

what is next, i do not know

i fear my love will only grow

even if distance has forced us apart,

you will always have that special place in my heart...

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dalia, maged, khaled and camel, thanks for your wonderful words...

here it goes :)



scribbled on the back of a wrinkled boarding pass... and continued upon landing


missing your hand, your tender touch

listening to your voice, which i love so much

your soft caress, your warm embrace

will someone ever take your place?

no more smiling while crossing the street

walking toward each other where we always meet

no more resting my head on your shoulder

no more warming my hand in yours as the weather turns colder

no more sitting in silence, just gazing ahead

dreaming of being in some other place instead

no more holding your hand as we walk

no more gazing into your eyes as we talk

no more squeezing past others in a crowded place

having you guide me, following your pace

feeling so safe, so comfortable, so secure

marvelling at this feeling, so sweet, so pure

i know you are only a phone call away

although we can still speak almost every day

it is not the same as having you near

i miss you already... how i miss you my dear

as all good things eventually come to an end,

my dearest (_) we must part as friends

yet can we be friends? after all that's been said

i can't believe how far we've come

from complete strangers to... to what?

sweet memories, words, images flood my head

i reach out for your hand as i lie in my bed

i close my eyes yet i cannot sleep

once again i let myself get in too deep

i wipe at a lonesome tear rolling down my cheek

and wonder where you are, are you thinking of... us?

what is next, i do not know

i fear my love will only grow

even if distance has forced us apart,

you will always have that special place in my heart...

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