The World of Ahmed Bey Hassanein

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His Legendary Adventures!

Hassanein Bey

Ahmed from the National Geographic Magazine September 1924

Ahmed Hassanein Pashaan Oxford-graduate Egyptian, grandson of the last Admiral of Egyptian fleet, son of Al-Azhar Professor, diplomat, Olympic champion, Photographer, Writer, King's tutor, politician and a world-famous legendary explorer of the 1920s.

Those pages of are dedicated to information about his 1923 expedition in which he discovered Owenat in the Libyan Desert that brought him to fame and later a meteoric political career.

You'll find here the only occurrence on the web of the article he wrote to National Geographic (American magazine) in September 1924 complete with 47 impressive photos of his that were scanned directly from the magazine itself (he had movies too). Not only is his accounts are funny, witty, and romantic, but is terribly exciting as well. (A pdf version good for printing could be downloaded here)

I am sure you'll be surprised how good reading this was and you'll (like I did) want to know more about Ahmed, his identity and career, and the unusually eventful time in which he lived. Well, you'll find here a brief historical background to what was happening in Ahmed'snative country, Ottomans, and Senussis. And what was happening in the West specially Britain at this time. There's also a quick coverage of theworld's fashions of the time in sports, science and industry, etc. that could help in reconstructing a good understanding of the life which he led, and more.

If you have comments or questions, just go ahead anddiscuss (for SaharaSafaris) by sending what you think of this man, his adventures and his world.

There are little history about this guy, so you are encouraged to share this website with all your friends who might be interested or would be surprised how history makes desert safaris more than just trips.

Mohamed Mabrouk
Giza, January 2006.


Message from Hassanein Pasha's Grand-daughter:

Dear Mr Mabrouk,

Thank you for reviving Ahmed Hassanein's feats in the Libyan Desert.

Ahmed Hassanein, wrote his book "The Lost Oases" in Arabic as well as in English. And a translation was made in German.

Wish you all the best in your feats in the desert.

Atteya Mahmoud
(Grand-daughter of Ahmad Hassanein)


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Those who copy us without giving credits, may they suffer an eternal sahara-less, 4x4-less, and toilet-less life forever! �2002 - 2006.
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