Urgent: Job Opportunity

First written by s_shaarawy and 0 others, on Thu, 2007/04/12 - 4:44pm, and has been viewed by unique users

Urgently required for the following positions:

I. Project Manager / Coordinator / Supervisor (Required 1)
Must have at least a Master Degree in Surveying, with minimum 15 years experience in Surveying Project Management.

II. Chief Surveyors (Required 10)
Must have at least B.Sc. in Surveying or mapping, with minimum 15 years experience in Surveying.

III. Assistant Surveyors (Required 10)
Diploma in Surveying, with minimum 5 years experience in Surveying.

IV. Chainmen (Required 10)
With minimum 2 years experience in Surveying.

V. Draftsmen (Data Entry Operator) (Required 4)
With minimum 2 years experience in Survey drafting and mapping.

Please send your CVs to: Technical.Dep@gmail.com
With the required position as the subjectOr fax it to: +2-02-2713814

Your friends are close to you.?Keep them that way.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Urgently required for the following positions:

I. Project Manager / Coordinator / Supervisor (Required 1)
Must have at least a Master Degree in Surveying, with minimum 15 years experience in Surveying Project Management.

II. Chief Surveyors (Required 10)
Must have at least B.Sc. in Surveying or mapping, with minimum 15 years experience in Surveying.

III. Assistant Surveyors (Required 10)
Diploma in Surveying, with minimum 5 years experience in Surveying.

IV. Chainmen (Required 10)
With minimum 2 years experience in Surveying.

V. Draftsmen (Data Entry Operator) (Required 4)
With minimum 2 years experience in Survey drafting and mapping.

Please send your CVs to: Technical.Dep@gmail.com
With the required position as the subjectOr fax it to: +2-02-2713814

Your friends are close to you.?Keep them that way.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Thu, 2007/04/12 - 4:44pm Permalink