re help

First written by jawahermohanish2002 and 0 others, on Sun, 2007/05/06 - 3:56pm, and has been viewed by unique users

really many thanks eng. MOHAMMED for your valuable advice. I follow it "esri.edn">
I have wached many DVD presentations (free), and I want to save it and play it later, I mean off-line. is it possible and how. because I cant still on-line long time, just to save money.

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really many thanks eng. MOHAMMED for your valuable advice. I follow it "esri.edn">
I have wached many DVD presentations (free), and I want to save it and play it later, I mean off-line. is it possible and how. because I cant still on-line long time, just to save money.

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Sun, 2007/05/06 - 3:56pm Permalink