Trips Guidelines

First written by Mabrouk and 0 others, on Thu, 2009/10/29 - 7:23pm, and has been viewed by 4891 unique users

In SaharaSafaris where trips/outings are mostly announced on the Forum (yahoogroups) there are only two types of them:


  1. Collaborative with no money retained as profit by the Leader
  2. Commercial: any activity in which the organizer on Saharasafaris is retaining money after the organization

There are several policies for the Collaborative cost-sharing, most important of which are two:

  1. Car gas cost-sharing policy: in car trips not only leaderd but car owners get sn exclusion from the "Gasoline" cost item. All passangers share all the gas costs equally and paying back what the Car owners have paid in gas completely and those who pay including their friends and family share (car owners gets all their gas money back as estimated by Leaders)
  2. Collaborative leader cost-sharing policy details: Leader (of trips for 5 (4+organizer) or more participants distribute the cost equally on other participants. The Leader is excluded from the food, transportation (including airfare), and lodging costs. In case of multiple Leaders the guideline is to exclude only one Leader (splitting it is subject to principal Leader's discretion).

Rules are made to be broken, but those have proven very fair and encouraging so far, so you're kindly asked to stick to them. Special cases could be discussed with Founder on the main Forum of SaharaSafaris (SaharaSafaris Club closed Group)